
Friday 25 November 2011


25th November 2011

In this lesson, I have completed my front cover by edtiting the last bits and bobs...

And i am now going to start researching double page spreads, I do know that my main article text and picture will have to feature in this too. So hopefully by next lesson i will have a better idea of were to start.

Magazine Rate Card - BoomBox

Total Circulation: 50,000
Female: 10%
Male: 90%
ABC1 Profile: 64%
Median Age: 18
Average Page Rate: £2,000

My annual turnover will be: (page of adverts * amount per page + cover price * 26)

50,000 * 2.10 = 105,000...

... 105,000 * 26 = 2,730,000

38 * 2000 * 26 = 1,976,000

1,976,000 + 2,730,000 = 4,706,000 (this is my annual turnover with BoomBox)

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Week beginning 12th September 2011.

In this lesson I have researched a music magazine (XXL Magazine). This is a high levelled music magazine and is aimed at the target audience genre of Hip – Hop & Rap. It is very clear and catches the eye almost immediately, for these reasons and for my own personal opinion of ‘good music’ I choose this magazine to research for my upcoming project of publishing a music magazine!

I also annotated a school magazine published as 'Fly'. I annotated this magazine to help me research and to design my school front cover for thier magazine... it did help and I got a few ideas and what layout works best.

After I had done that, I then made a draft copy of my school front cover!


22nd November 2011

As  I missed the lesson of the 21st I had to pick up what I had missed, in this lesson we did an activity that involved Magazine Rate Card, we had to make up realistic figures to make sure this section looked good towards our music magazines. This will be posted up under 'research/planning'.

After this we also studied some of the disababled, and what the encoder constucts them as....

Thursday 17 November 2011


17th November 2011

this lesson was a coursework lesson, so all i did today was carry on with my front page and i also handed out some questionnaires to see if my work was what it should be like.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Music Magazine Mock Front Cover (Draft)

My mock cover

Here is a mock cover of my 'Boombox' music magazine, I am going to use some fonts from da font as CorelDraw X3 doesn't have all of my prefered text fonts... it fits my target audience as the picture will be a bit grungy and hip hop styled, and the text around it will relate too.

I got some ideas from magazines such as XXL & Vibe/Da Vibe... like with some cover lines above the masthead i got from Vibe, I liked the idea and though it would fit well into my magazine!

Font wise i want to have a play around with them, like i said earlier i am using som fonts from However i do like Arial & TW Cen MT, these fonts would suit my thoughts!

My contents page & double page spread will have similar fonts to keep it consistant. I want a fresh hip hop auroa and i will produce this!

Monday 14 November 2011


14th November 2011

In todays lesson, we recapped on some thoughts of the clip we watched to write an essay of age on... so we went over some camera techniques, mise en scene etc... we then did some research on some magazines such as GQ and Cosmopolitan, seeing how much money they made through advertisments in thier magazines.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


7th November 2011

In todays lesson, we were mainly talking and planning about todays test/exam for 'age'. So around this question we studied some of the answers for it!

Thursday 3 November 2011


3rd November 2011

In this double lesson we have started the production of our front cover for our music magazine... I've personally made a decent start, however, it is very hard work but a challenge to be completed! hopefully my end result will be what I pictured in my head!

In the next lesson I will carry on where I left off, adding more text to my cover.