
Tuesday 21 February 2012


20th & 21st February 2012

On the 20th we as a class started learning our evaluation questions, from this we also carried on doing so on the 21st, overall we covered 7 topics that we will have to answer for our evaluation. After this we had finished this we had some time spare to use so I decided to make a video response of feedback but asking a friend to evaluate my front cover...

Friday 3 February 2012

Contents Research - A Good Example

This is a contents page of the 'VIBE' music magazine it really stood out to me, the dark red colours really contrast with the main subject picture. The way the contents is worded also looks very funky and cool, and I wish to use a similar style to how it is used on this example.

I also like how the information is on the left hand side, to my preference I would like the text a little bit larger as it would then be a lot easier to read, but overall this is a pretty strong and sharp contents page.

Final Front Cover

After receieving some feedback from my front cover from class mates and Mr. Morris, I felt that I had some time to make a few small adjustments to create a better front page for my music magazine titled 'BoomBox'. In evaluation to this piece of work, I spent by far the longest amount of my coursework time on this page, why? Few answers to that, first one being I was getting used to corelDRAW Graphics Suite this did take some time getting used too it as I had never used this software before... Also, I thought first time round with this final cover that I made some small mistakes like a slight colour change in the 'PLUS' so just editing these mistakes to make the cover more thorough, I would hopefully make it to a better standard, thus hopefully achieveing a higher mark. The subject picture was very hard to edit to fit in with the white background as it was taken in a very light area, however I felt I did achieve it to look quite well where it is situated. I choose not to use a plug on my front cover because I felt a sticker with infromation on it would ruin my cover and look out of place, so I used a hook instead which to my feedback worked out very well too.


3rd Febuary 2012

In this lesson I was basically using a coursework lesson to re-do/adjust my front cover to a better standard. hopefully get a better mark for it this way!