
Friday 23 September 2011

Choosing the 'perfect' photos!

 Here are the outcome of my shots around the school! I mainly focused on students/teachers as the school itself looked a bit messy due to some reconstructioning... However I have to select 2-3 pictures for my front cover so below these pictures will be my final photos!

How did I eliminate these photos to a choosen 2-3? Well I did this by thinking which ones would look the nicest (in my eyes) on the magazine... I looked for action and good lighting, this would then make my magazine more eye catching! I decided I would have the 'Mr. Morris & students' why? I think its important to show the relationship between the teacher & his students! I also decided that the 'hall' picture would also be a good photo to be used in the magazine! And lastly, I decided the 'piano' picture would be good picture to use as it signifies 'skill' 'passion' and 'creativity'.

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