
Monday 12 September 2011

School (Random Choice) Magazine Annotation


Fly School Magazine
This is a typical school magazine, randomly chosen by me to annotate in preparation of creating my own schools magazines front cover... it does indeed have its advantages and dis - advantages.

Advantages would be:
ü  Has a strong article picture
ü  Clear mast headline
ü  Good use of ‘Puff’
ü  Good use of contrasting colours
ü  Clear date headline
ü  Plug is used
ü  Different text sizes means that it is a bit more eye – catching
ü  Has a main cover line
Dis – advantages would be:
û  Lack of font use
û  No typeface used
û  No issue number
û  Some text could have been arranged to make room for a few more things such as maybe another picture or an issue number etc…

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