
Thursday 15 December 2011


15th December 2011

In this lesson i arrived late but not to late, however our task as a whole today was to give feedback on front covers so i had to give feedback to frankie,dow and valadirmir.

Main Task - Final Front Cover

Draft Of My Font Cover

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Monday 11th December 2011

This lesson was short as we only annotated our test results with another peer in the class, from this we portrayed three ways to of made that person more successfull.

Friday 9 December 2011

Double Page Spread - A Bad Example

This is my example of what I wouldn't like my double page spread to look like, no disrespect, but for me I think that this is beyond unprofessional, it's rushed and you can see that there is no plan behind it, it seems to me this encoder has just guessed where everything should go and wanted to get it out of the way.

The text is really hard to read through, alongside with some spelling mistakes, If your creating a music magazine there should be no spelling mistakes! There is also too much 'white space' this is really bad as it looks empty. No typeface skills are used and nothing anchors me in to this DPS at all.
In an overall conclusion to the success of this DPS, I think it's rushed withouht going in to too much negativity i will go on how I would improve this. Firstly, i would make a design plan! After I had done this I would choose a better image to use to create some anchorage. lastly I would use some more eye catching colours for the font text and then create some intertexuality so that would also create some anchorage.


9th Decemeber 2011

In this lesson I have annotaed some double page spread magazine articles, evaluating too so when i come round to do mine i will have a better end result (hopefully).

Double Page Spread - A Good Example

I really like this double page spread as I like the layout...

The split page of having a main picture makes it really clear and professional, although it may be simple it is really effective and drewe my eyes in straight away.

Feature article: In a magazine the main feature article is one of the most important parts as it is advertised on the front page. The picture acts as an anchorage and with the bold text used this works too hook you in too creating a connontation to the decoder.

Type Face: There is a good sense of type face used within this DPS, the text works together creating a professional result to the decoders eye. As the artists name is at the biggest font size in contrast to the text underneath it, they work intertextuly, this also makes clear to what text is supposed to be more important.

On another note, the interview text is seperated clearly with purple and black colored font. 

In an overall conclusion to the success of this DPS, I do think it's pretty well done, however, it could be better, for me I would suggest maybe using red instead of purple, this would be more eye catching and would then entice the decoder to read it.

Thursday 8 December 2011


6th December 2011

In this lesson we had an exam about how the encoder portrays the disabled character in the film live flesh, this lasted the whole triple lesson.

Thursday 1 December 2011


01 December 2011

In this lesson I have again been researching some double page spread ideas for my music magazine, I have also made a small start to the draft copy which will be posted soon.