
Thursday 15 December 2011

Main Task - Final Front Cover


  1. Masthead
    I like the font of the masthead as it’s different to normal fonts, also the writing above the masthead looks good too as it shows the different artists in the magazine.
    The barcode and price are quite simple and could look more linked together.
    Cover lines are also good as they give you a feeling that you would be getting an exclusive with the magazine so you would think you’re getting a good deal with the magazine.
    Also like the way you have different types of writing all over the page.
    The photo is good as it concentrates just on him making him the feature of the front cover.

  2. The main cover photo is a male which relates to you targeting a male target audience who listen to the hip-hop and rap genre. The use of the distorted edges and colour on the masthead gives the appearance of a dirty ragged look. I like that the main feature article fills nearly the whole page. There are many different types of typeface and sizes, the use of larger fonts is very attention grabbing, smaller cover lines on the side of the main article photo are filled with the red and black colours so they stand out of the main image, which gives a small amount of information about the article within the magazine same with the article title on top of the main article image. Also i believe that this magazine is very informal which is why i think the magazine is aimed at a younger audience as well as an older audience, also the contents of the magazine are completely of certain music artists that are out at the minute that teens who are very interested in the hip-hop/rap scene would enjoy reading more and possibly understanding more.
    The names of the artists above the masthead is very effective as they are divided by the stars, this technique is used in most music magazines. I like that you have used different fonts to the different music artists as they have a more unique feel to their name. Creating a website to your magazine directs the audience to other exclusive stuff online.

  3. Good work.

    All is on your front cover.
    Research of different fonts is good and use of three different colours.It is good but because of the picture the cover may be saturate and hard to understand.It is a big one.Big James has some letters on he's back and some letters are hard to read because of the black colour.The work is good but not clear.
