
Friday 9 December 2011

Double Page Spread - A Good Example

I really like this double page spread as I like the layout...

The split page of having a main picture makes it really clear and professional, although it may be simple it is really effective and drewe my eyes in straight away.

Feature article: In a magazine the main feature article is one of the most important parts as it is advertised on the front page. The picture acts as an anchorage and with the bold text used this works too hook you in too creating a connontation to the decoder.

Type Face: There is a good sense of type face used within this DPS, the text works together creating a professional result to the decoders eye. As the artists name is at the biggest font size in contrast to the text underneath it, they work intertextuly, this also makes clear to what text is supposed to be more important.

On another note, the interview text is seperated clearly with purple and black colored font. 

In an overall conclusion to the success of this DPS, I do think it's pretty well done, however, it could be better, for me I would suggest maybe using red instead of purple, this would be more eye catching and would then entice the decoder to read it.

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