
Thursday 26 April 2012

Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Question 6 – What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 5 – How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 4 – What kind of media institution might distribute your media product & why?

Question 3 – In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms & conventions of real media products?

Question 2 – How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 1 – Who would be the audience for your media project?

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Imaginary Entity

I have decided to my music magazine on the hip –hop/rap genre. This magazine will include the like of exclusive interviews, posters and other artist’s gossips as well as top tunes to have on your trusty iPod. I want to focus on the interviews as this is a big part of my thought process towards my magazine. This gives the decoders some real insight on what it was like for those artists and how they got were they are in today’s world of 2012. My target audience is around 16 – 19 years of age, I haven’t targeted the older generation as this is a topic that doesn’t really affiliate with them and they would not like or find any of the stuff in my magazine appealing to them. I am certain girls do listen to this type of genre but it would more likely be a magazine more appealing to the male gender. However, hip – hop is one of the most talked about and loved genres out there in the music industry so I know it will have a broad audience. The magazine itself will be quite hip and slang will be used inside referring to English used, but it won’t be too informal either, a bit of both is what I would like to achieve.

My magazine will be available to purchase every fortnight (2 weeks) I realise this would be better as a magazine like mine there is more information and more information/gossip to look forward to, such as new albums/singles as well as things like signing new artist’s to labels and whose leaving the game. This magazine will cost precisely £2.10 this is a good price as the magazine comes out fortnightly so will be worth two weekly magazines and is affordable to those who listen to this genre as stereotypically this audience are based around middle class C1 and below. No one would buy the magazine if it was £3 or more as it just simply to much for my target audience.


1. Are you male or female? Male
2. How old are you? 17 years of age
3. What social class category do you fall into? Middle class
4. Favorite idol? Eminem
5. Do you own a car? No I do not
6. Did you achieve good GCSE grades? I achieved average/satisfactory grades
7. What music do you listen to? Hip – Hop/Rap/Grime/Grimestep/Dubstep
8. Favorite music artist? Hmm, either; Eminem/Asher Roth/Professor Green/Devlin/Rizzle Kicks
9. Favorite car? Ford Mustang GT or Mitsubishi Evo Lancer
10. Favorite song? Like Toy Soldiers (Eminem) or Down With the Trumpets (Rizzle Kicks)
11. What do you eat for breakfast? I normally have a bowl of cereal
12. Favorite subject in school? Hard question, I would properly say IT
13. Ever been in a fight/scrap? Yes a few times
14. Ever lied? Yes
15. Do you own a mobile phone? Yes, a BlackBerry Curve
16. Are you in further education? Yes, I am studying a – levels at my sixth form school/college
17. Have a girlfriend? Nope
18. Do you have friends of ethical backgrounds? Yes, I have loads
19. What ethnicity are you? White British
20. What do you want to be when you’re older? I’d like to be either a music video editor for film/music, or an artist
21. What television do you watch? I don’t watch too much television, but I watch Eastenders, Fresh Prince, South Park, Football when it’s on & 4music
22. Indoor or Outdoor person? Outdoor
23. Social or shy? Social
24. Care about fashion? Oh yeah I love clothing
25. Have mates who do drugs? Yes
26. Go to or ever been to a party? I try to go to as many as I can!
27. Had sex? Yeah
28. Name me a music artist you hate… I hate Justin Bieber
29. What brands of clothing do you wear mostly? I wear, Nike, Adidas, Franklin & Marshall & Fred Perry mainly

Contents Page Pictures

Here are my choices that I will be including in my contents page, taken mostly from the Forum, these are real artists themselves! really like these pictures and can see them working really well on the contents page!

Front Cover Pictures

I accidently deleted the first orignal image when I was editing it, so the one below it is just there from another picture that I could of used from my set. However I like the top one so I will be using it, all im doing is editing out the background so that it will blend in with my white background on my Front Cover.

Double Page Pictures

After all the photos I took for my DPS I personally felt that this one was the best photo for the job, I will then edit out the background and pixelate his left hand by using Adobe Photoshop.

Friday 9 March 2012


9th March 2012

In this lesson, I have started the 1st question to the evaluation of 7 questions, this question im doing is basically the why i choose my target audience to be who they are for my front cover...

Wednesday 7 March 2012


4th & 6th March 2012

Both these lessons have been study lessons, learning different pointers on what some people believe/think what is the typical sterotype of a male/female. also the consturction of identity, David Gauntletts perseption as well as McQuails gratifications...

Thursday 1 March 2012

Final Contents Page

Here is my final version of my contents page, I have used inspiration of the 'VIBE' magazine to create funky font styles like my 'contents' text. I have also used my own images to work together to create a realistic atmosphere to my magazine. On top of this, I did play around with some of the software tools like over lapping/fading/shading/and colouring, I did criticise this on one of my research examples as they had not  done this - hence, why I did this to my magazine to make it look more professional. 

Final Double Page Spread

Here is my final version of my double page spread, I really am proud of this piece of work, modest I know, however I did spend a lot of time on this piece and found it very hard to think about. I know it isn't perfect, but I spent a while researching double page spreads finding examples of both good and bad. After doing so I found confidence on what to do with mine and how to make it look professional and to a standard of a hopeful high achievement. I like how I have used the text 'B' to lay faded underneath the main image of Big James, I got inspired to do this by finding a similar representaiton on an example that I found. Alongwith the lighning bolts I also got inspired to do them, however I felt two would give a better effect than the one, prooved to be very hip - hop modern I have recieved many high comments whilst constructing this piece of coursework.

Double Page Spread Mock (Draft)

Contents Page Mock (Draft)

Contents Research - A Good Example

 This caught my eye straight away, again it is a contents page taken from 'VIBE' this works to be very powerful as the black contrasts really well with the all the whiteness. Very cliche style, this magazine has little text which is easy on the decoders eye too, I like how the 'contents' text is layed out, I wish to do something similar in response to my own contents page. I also like how the image is taking up most of the space, however I have x amount of images I would like to include in my contents page.

Contents Research - A Bad Example

This is a contents page that I came across that I felt in my opnion was a poor example. In my opinion, I feel this example has to much text, above that it is very straneous on the decoders eye. That is an automatic turn off for most readers as they would like to have some text but not to much! Also some of the text on the background proves very hard to read anyway. I believe the encoder just used the basics of the software he used and it just looks messy and rushed, I do not want my contents page resulting in something like this example.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


20th & 21st February 2012

On the 20th we as a class started learning our evaluation questions, from this we also carried on doing so on the 21st, overall we covered 7 topics that we will have to answer for our evaluation. After this we had finished this we had some time spare to use so I decided to make a video response of feedback but asking a friend to evaluate my front cover...

Friday 3 February 2012

Contents Research - A Good Example

This is a contents page of the 'VIBE' music magazine it really stood out to me, the dark red colours really contrast with the main subject picture. The way the contents is worded also looks very funky and cool, and I wish to use a similar style to how it is used on this example.

I also like how the information is on the left hand side, to my preference I would like the text a little bit larger as it would then be a lot easier to read, but overall this is a pretty strong and sharp contents page.

Final Front Cover

After receieving some feedback from my front cover from class mates and Mr. Morris, I felt that I had some time to make a few small adjustments to create a better front page for my music magazine titled 'BoomBox'. In evaluation to this piece of work, I spent by far the longest amount of my coursework time on this page, why? Few answers to that, first one being I was getting used to corelDRAW Graphics Suite this did take some time getting used too it as I had never used this software before... Also, I thought first time round with this final cover that I made some small mistakes like a slight colour change in the 'PLUS' so just editing these mistakes to make the cover more thorough, I would hopefully make it to a better standard, thus hopefully achieveing a higher mark. The subject picture was very hard to edit to fit in with the white background as it was taken in a very light area, however I felt I did achieve it to look quite well where it is situated. I choose not to use a plug on my front cover because I felt a sticker with infromation on it would ruin my cover and look out of place, so I used a hook instead which to my feedback worked out very well too.


3rd Febuary 2012

In this lesson I was basically using a coursework lesson to re-do/adjust my front cover to a better standard. hopefully get a better mark for it this way!

Monday 23 January 2012


23rd January 2012

In this lesson we started to plan and research in some ways ethinicity is portrayed in certain aspects. we watched some clips that were racial to blacks and whites. comparing them and seeing where mise en scene, camera angles, sound and editing is used, and how to clock in to it all.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Double Page Spread - A Good Example

This is another double page spread I found online, like all the others I liked, this also drew me in straight away... Having the image of GAGA to the left in sexy clothes drew me in, but what makes that picture even more appealing to look at is the fainted text behind it... this makes you look at the picture even harder as you want to see what the fainted text says... a very good skill used to draw decoders in to read more of the magazine! I really like this skill used and will be shore to use it within my DPS. Also having the lighting bolt transparent to the text makes the text a lot more appealing to read. It covers 'white space' too making this DPS look a lot more professional. Another thing I appreciated within this page is the bold letters put in the middle of the text, this automatically breaks the text up, hence making it more easier to read and makes me want to read it too, I hope to use a similar effect within mine...

Double Page Spread - A Good Example

This double page spread that I found on the internet and it really caught my eye! As you can see the image stands out immeditaly and draws you in to the page, having a little bit of text to the right hand side makes it very easy to read espically as a serif font is used, this makes it even easier to read, in my DPS I would like to use a similar effect of the text that is used in this page. The title 'In Wonderland' is also very clear/bold and fits in well with the image used, not over done at all, really like this piece of work, and I have gathered some ideas for my own DPS.


Beginning of January (upto the 9th) 2012

For the beginning of the year we had a double lesson, in this lesson we simply carried on working with our DPS for the magazine, I felt this double to be a really good lesson as I progressed with my DPS as it is nearly done! not to much to do with it now which is a relief in some respects...

9th jan,

In this lesson, we started focusing on the other part of the examination, taking notes of how magazines make their monies...